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May 4th | Washington DC with Governor Ridwan Kamil & Brock Pierce

On May 4, 2023, Governor Ridwan Kamil of West Java, Indonesia, along with Bentaus CEO Robert Davidoff and GRN Energy Partner, Charles (Ruf) Ruffolo, had the privilege of visiting Blockchain and Web 3.0 entrepreneur Brock Pierce at his home in Washington, DC. Their main focus was to discuss how digital transformation and innovation could be utilized to enhance the quality of life for Indonesians. The Governor and Brock agreed that this was not an option but a necessity for Indonesia’s growth, connectivity, and sustainability.

We would like to extend my thanks to Gerard Dache, the Founder of the Government Blockchain Association, for making this happen.

Additionally, Governor Ridwan Kamil will be a featured speaker at the Bitcoin 2023 event in Miami on May 19, 2023.

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